Success Academies
Homeschooling Made Easy

We provide Low Cost, Highly Effective Homeschooling Solutions
Our Core Provision Package:
If you are homeschooling your children, we can support you with provision for the 3 core subjects: English, Maths and Science. We provide a perfect blend of live lessons, homework tasks and access to great resources at an extremely low cost.
​For a flat charge of £35 (+VAT) per week you will get the following:
6 Hours of tuition - 2 hours each of English, Maths and Science
Access to an Online homeschooling learning package for English, Maths and Science (Which helps you track your child's progress). Work is set on this weekly by the tutors.
Half termly progress report
Available for both KS3 and 4
KS4 classes follow AQA and Edexcel courses
All of our lessons are fully interactive, our classes are capped at just 18 students and our teachers are all highly experienced and able to work with students with a wide range of need. All teaching staff have taught in UK schools and are DBS checked.
To find out more about how we can help you, please email us at, call us on 08431 222 195 or fill out the form here.
What else can we offer?
Timetabled revision and classes at evenings and weekends​
Advice on how to (and when to) enrol for exams
Provide details for external candidate examination centres
One to one tuition in a huge range of subjects (All KS3 and KS4 sessions are £35/h (+VAT) , A level POA)
Details of all our services can be found here​
Our Online Classrooms
Our state of the art online learning environments are designed to provide your child with the perfect platform for learning.
We operate safe, user friendly and fully interactive classrooms which allow our highly skilled teachers to provide a truly immersive experience for online homeschooling.
Furthermore, all of the resources we use in the classroom are freely downloadable for our students.
Educake and Miro
To further enhance the experience for our students, we also subscribe to both Educake and Miro.
Educake provides a superb platform for our students to work independently at their own pace. With its comprehensive range of tasks and support materials, Educake is a world class piece of educational software. It even tracks how the students are performing against the national average!
Miro is an innovative and highly effective collaboration tool that we use with the students with huge success. We use Miro to build virtual classrooms for our students. Each student has their own desk space and under the expert direction of our teachers are fully immersed into a fully supportive learning environment. Our teachers can see what work our students are doing live and are able to offer fast and effective support.

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Why do we support families who wish to homeschool?
To support children who need it the most
All children are different and some find schools very difficult
All children have different needs: We cater for all!
All children have the right to an outstanding education
We have found that other 'Online Homeschooling Companies' are extremely expensive - homeschooling should be accessible for everyone
To support families on tight budgets

What are our Online Homeschooling Classes like?
All of our tuition sessions take place in our industry leading Online Classrooms, complete with interactive whiteboard
All of our tutors are DBS checked and have at least 2 years teaching experience in the UK
Class sizes are small and are capped at 18 students
We treat all students as individuals and cater for all educational needs - just let us know when you sign up
All lessons are fully interactive
Our teachers know our students and care about their progress and well-being
Children can join in as much or as little as they wish. Our learning platform has many interactive tools and allows our tutors to gauge progress without the need for 'joining in' we are aware that a lot of children who wish to be homeschooled do not wish to share answers in front of others and we want all of our students to feel comfortable
We measure and report on children's progress with the use of our online learning platform
We are based in the UK, but accept students from all over the world.
We only deliver classes based on the UK national curriculum and regular GCSE specifications (not iGCSE at the moment).
Why do some families decide to homeschool?
The decision to homeschool a child is not an easy one to make.
Schools are very busy communities and do not quite work for everyone. Some of the reasons people decide to homeschool include:
Dissatisfaction with their current education provider
Seeking a stronger academic challenge
A feeling that complex needs are not being met, e.g. dyslexia, autism, dyspraxia, processing issues
Complex social issues
Health needs, in particular mental health - e.g. anxiety, school phobia, separation anxiety or depression
Unwillingness or inability to go to school
Short term intervention for a range of reasons
Distance to travel to a school
Idealogical or philosophical views
Behavioural concerns
Whatever the reason, homeschooling does not have to be a permanent thing and children can always be transferred back into mainstream at any point.​
If you do decide to homeschool your child, we are always here to help!
Register interest here
Can Homeschooled Children be successful?
In short, yes!
Homeschooling can be a completely life changing experience for some children and often leads to significantly improved academic outcomes.
Homeschooling will not limit a child from reaching their potential, attending university or having a successful and fulfilling career. The top universities in the United Kingdom, Oxford and Cambridge both in fact welcome applications from home educated students.
Some recent research has shown that homeschooled children develop as well or better socially, emotionally and psychologically than institutionally schooled children.
Online Homeschooling can really help support the mental health and well-being of children and you cannot put a price on that.

Success Academies is a Carbon Neutral Company
We pride ourselves at being an ethical company. We exist to support families and schools to empower young people to be the best possible versions of themselves.
We are also absolutely determined that remains as environmentally friendly as possible.
We have calculated that for each full time member of staff at Success Academies we emit 292.5kgCOâ‚‚ per year.
We plant trees to offset our carbon footprint. A typical tree will absorb 40kgCOâ‚‚ per year, so we plant 8 per full time member of staff, yielding 320kgCOâ‚‚. This ensures that we always remove more carbon than we contribute.
To achieve this aim, we work with 'Trees For Cities'
Trees for Cities are the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities.
They get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods – whether it’s revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food.
If you would also like to donate to this worthy charity, please visit them at​​​​​