Homeschooling Solutions
Homeschooling Made Easy

Core Provision
£35 per week (+VAT)
This is our main homeschooling provision available for both KS3 and KS4 students. All sessions are delivered online via small classes of up to 18 students.
It includes:
6 hours of tuition per week - 2 each of English, Maths and Science. Therefore covering the 3 core subjects.
Unlimited access to our online learning platform which helps students to learn and self assess, effectively measuring their progress.
Access to our resource drive, complete with recorded lessons
Access to our Google Classroom
Half termly progress report from tutors
If you do not require all 3 subjects, you can pick and choose from the ingredients above!
We call it our 'Pick N Mix'!
Foundation Subject/Option Subject Provision
£15 per subject per week (+VAT)
For those who want to enhance the educational experience for their children, we offer a range of additional subjects at both KS3 and GCSE level.
This service is more expensive than our core provision due to lower demand and smaller class sizes.
This service includes:
1 hour small class tuition (max class size of 18)
Half termly progress report from tutor
There is no online learning platform for these subjects, but independent learning tasks are set weekly and reviewed in class
Subjects available include: History, Geography, French, Business Studies, Computer Science, Spanish, German and PE (GCSE theory only)
Foundation subjects will be offered subject to interest and availability.
(We offer discounts to families who wish to subscribe to 2 or more foundation subjects.)
If you have any questions, please email us.

Revision/Past Paper Classes
£7 Per session (+VAT)
These are stand alone, small class sessions which are offered on evenings and weekends for GCSE students preparing for public examinations.
All classes will be bookable via our enrolment page on a 'first come - first served basis'.
Sessions will be offered in English, Maths and Science only.
If these are of interest, please complete our form here.
One to one Tuition
£35 Per session (+VAT)
One to one sessions are the perfect option for those who need that extra helping hand.
Sessions are available for KS3 and KS4 students in all of the subjects mentioned above.
If there is something you want, but we don't offer it, please just ask and we will do our best to find you the highest quality provision.
If this is of interest, please complete our form here.

How much does Homeschooling actually cost?
At Success Academies we want to be a transparent as possible when it comes to our fees and we want to keep them as low as possible. So how much does it cost and when would you need to pay?
Our core provision package is a good place to start. The service (which covers everything a student will need for English, Maths and Science) cost just £35 a week. This can be paid in a number of ways. We will always invoice families ahead of a new term (a term can range from 12 to 16 weeks). There are 3 terms in a school year which has a total of 39 weeks.
Families can decide to pay weekly, every 4 weeks, termly or annually.
How this looks:
Weekly - £35
Every 4 weeks - £140
Termly - £455 (based on an average 13 week term)
Annually - £1365
We understand that some students will also wish to undertake some option subjects at GCSE. If we assume that a student takes 2 additional subjects, e.g. History and Geography, lets see how that affects the total costs:
Weekly - £35 (core provision) + £30 (@£15 per subject) = £65 - multi subject discount = £60
Every 4 weeks - £240
Termly - £780 (based on an average 13 week term)
Annually - £2340
We hope you find the above breakdown useful, but please do reach out if you need further details.
All prices above are illustrated without VAT.
Features, information and Rules
All sessions are 1 hour in duration and will be for classes of up to 18 (apart from past paper and revision classes, which hold up to 50)
All sessions are delivered via our Online Classroom, this is a fully secure environment, affording the tutor complete control over the levels of student input.
Homeschooling sessions are delivered on week days, during school hours and term time.
All KS3 classes follow the National Curriculum.
All core KS4 classes follow AQA specifications for English and Science and Edexcel for Maths. All foundation/option courses follow AQA specifications. This can vary if there is enough interest in a particular specification for us to run a class.
We require no personal details of the students, just a First name, Surname, and an email address. We will hold no other personal data of your children, only academic progress via our online learning platform and tutor progress reports. We will securely hold parents/carers emails, addresses and phone numbers only.
All tutors are DBS checked (we can provide you with copies if required).
All tutors are up to date with latest safeguarding practices. The DSL is Emlyn Hall.
Success Academies will not reimburse for non-attendance.
Success Academies reserves the right to withdraw its service to students exhibiting negative or anti-social behaviour towards others.
Places on core provision classes are limited and will only be secured by a deposit of £35 (+VAT) . This is non refundable, but will be deducted from your first tuition fees payment.
There is no contract for core provision places, but a discontinuation of use of the service may mean that we offer your place to a family on our waiting list, unless you have requested a break in advance which has been agreed in writing.
Our tuition service will follow the WSCC schools Calendar. There will be no tuition apart from one to one and revision/past paper classes though school holidays, but tuition will run on inset days and bank holidays.
All tuition fees should be paid for in line with guidance on our invoices. Tuition will be invoiced for 1 week ahead of the classes and payment should be made by the Friday.
Families experiencing financial difficulties while using our service should contact the director directly and we will do our best to help.
Can Homeschooled Children be successful?
In short, yes!
Homeschooling can be a completely life changing experience for some children and often leads to significantly improved academic outcomes.
Homeschooling will not limit a child from reaching their potential, attending university or having a successful and fulfilling career. The top universities in the United Kingdom, Oxford and Cambridge both in fact welcome applications from home educated students.
Some recent research has shown that homeschooled children develop as well or better socially, emotionally and psychologically than institutionally schooled children.
Online Homeschooling can really help support the mental health and well-being of children and you cannot put a price on that
Success Academies is a Carbon Neutral Company
We pride ourselves at being an ethical company. We exist to support families and schools to empower young people to be the best possible versions of themselves.
We are also absolutely determined that remains as environmentally friendly as possible.
We have calculated that for each full time member of staff at Success Academies we emit 292.5kgCOâ‚‚ per year.
We plant trees to offset our carbon footprint. A typical tree will absorb 40kgCOâ‚‚ per year, so we plant 8 per full time member of staff, yielding 320kgCOâ‚‚. This ensures that we always remove more carbon than we contribute.
To achieve this aim, we work with 'Trees For Cities'
Trees for Cities are the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities.
They get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods – whether it’s revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food.
If you would also like to donate to this worthy charity, please visit them at​​​​​